Display for the Energizer Rechargeable USB Charger for Linux.

I have written a small program which reads the data from the USB
charger "Energizer Rechargeable". You can get this simple charger
sometimes very cheap. The charger is displayed under Linux with lsusb:
ID 1b47:0001 Energizer Holdings, Inc. CHUSB Duo Charger (NiMH
AA/AAA USB smart charger)
The program is only available as source. The following development packages are required.
- qt5
- libusb-1.0
- libusb-1.0
- webkitwidgets
- KDEWebKit
- KPlotting

The source code is available from the repository via the following command "git clone http://git.uli-eckhardt.de/usbcharger.git/"
qmake (qmake-qt5)make
A udev-rule should be added for example in /etc/udev/rules.d/99-local.rules so that it is not necessary to start USBcharger as root:
# Rule for Energizer USB charger SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1b47", MODE="0666"