Raised when the key which is accessed via Get
has a wrong data type. Only REG_SZ for
Get(Reg : In Out Win_Registry; Key : In R_Key;
Val : Out Unbounded_String)
and REG_DWORD for
Get(Reg : In Out Win_Registry;
Key : In R_Key;Val : Out Integer)
is allowed.
Type Summary
win_registry derived from registry_type |
Overridden Operations: |
Close ,
Create ,
Delete_Key ,
Delete_Section ,
Get ,
Get ,
Get_Keys ,
Get_Sections ,
Is_Open ,
Open ,
Put ,
Put ,
Other Items:
function Create(programm_name : String;s_access : sys_access)
return win_registry;
Create a win_registry for programm_name with selected access.
programm_name : String Name of the programm. This is used
as a subkey for /Software under HKEY_CURRENT_USER or
procedure Put(reg : in out win_registry;
key : in r_key;
val : in String
Store a key/value pair in the windows registry. If the key
does not exists in the section, the key is created,
otherwise the old value of the key is overwritten.
The value is from type String (or REG_SZ in the windows
registry). The key/value pair is called value in the
windows registry API documentation. The keys in the
windows registry API conforms to sections within my
ada registry API.
reg : win_registry a with Create initialized handle of
the registry
key : r_key The key name.
val : String The string value for the key.
procedure Put(reg : in out win_registry;
key : in r_key;
val : in Integer
Store a key/value pair in the windows registry. If the key
does not exists in the section, the key is created,
otherwise the old value of the key is overwritten.
The value is from type String.
reg : file_registry a with Create initialized handle of
the registry
key : r_key The key name.
val : Integer The integer value for the key.
procedure Get(reg : in out win_registry;
key : in r_key;
val : out Unbounded_String
Get a value from a key. In case that the key does
not exists the exception REGISTRY_NO_KEY is raised.
Also if the key is of type REG_DWORD the exception
The key/value pair is called value in the
windows registry API documentation. The keys in the
windows registry API conforms to sections within my
ada registry API.
reg : file_registry a with Create initialized handle of
the registry.
key : r_key The key name.
val : Unbounded_String Returns the value from the key.
procedure Get(reg : in out win_registry;
key : in r_key;
val : out Integer
Get a value from a key. In case that the key does
not exists the exception REGISTRY_NO_KEY is raised.
Also if the key is of type REG_SZ the exception
function Get_Sections(reg : in win_registry)
return sectionTable;
Get all known sections.
reg : file_registry a with Create initialized handle of
the registry.
Returns : secionTable An array of r_section with all sections of this
function Get_Keys(reg : in win_registry)
return keyTable;
get all known keys for the current section. If there is no key, raise
procedure Open(reg : in out win_registry );
Open access to the registry
reg : file_registry a with Create initialized handle of
the registry.
procedure Close(reg: in out win_registry);
Close access to the registry
reg : file_registry a with Create initialized handle of
the registry.
procedure Set_Section (reg : in out win_registry; s : in r_section);
Set a setion in the registry. If the section does not exists
the section is created. A section correspondents to "keys" in the
windows registry API.
reg : registry_type a with Create initialized handle of
the registry.
s : r_section A section name.
function Is_Open(reg : in win_registry) return Boolean;
Check if the registry is opened;
reg : file_registry a with Create initialized handle of
the registry.
Returns : boolean true if the registry is open.
procedure Delete_Key(reg : in out win_registry; key : in r_key);
Delete a key from the current section. In case that the key does
not exists the exception REGISTRY_NO_KEY is raised.
reg : file_registry a with Create initialized handle of
the registry.
key : r_key The key name to delete.
procedure Delete_Section(reg : in out win_registry; sec : in r_section);
Delete a complete section including all keys. The current section
is set back to the empty default section. So after this command
you must restore your previous default section via the
Set_Section function. In case that the section does
not exists the exception REGISTRY_NO_SECTION is raised.
Also in case that subsections exists the exception
reg : file_registry a with Create initialized handle of
the registry.
sec : r_section The section name to delete.